Yellow Building in Student Plaza Tree view

Emergency Response Plan Summary

Emergencies can come without warning at any time. Being prepared is the best way to handle these unexpected incidents and disasters. The information in the Emergency Response Plan is intended to cover most emergencies but cannot be not anticipate every type of situation for every disaster scenario. Basic training for emergency response allows the college staff to react to disasters or emergencies with initial action. Use common sense when instructions are not given or direction is not available. Think before you act, then act swiftly to minimize your exposure to danger.

LAVC's Emergency Response Plan has been designed to assist the Campus Community, College Sheriff and the Director of College Facilities in the protection of life and property in the event of an earthquake, fire, explosion, or other emergency.

The Emergency Coordinators Manual provides a basic contingency plan for College Administrators and supervisors in case of campus emergencies. While this guide does not cover every conceivable situation, it does supply the basic guidelines necessary to cope with most campus emergencies.

The College policies and procedures are expected to be followed by all personnel whose responsibilities and authority cover the operational procedures found in this manual. It is also noted that there could be many unpredictable factors and this plan should be taken as a guide.

This is a summary only, the full Emergency Response Plan can be viewed in the LAVC Administrative Services Office.

Emergency Operations Center

The EOC is a location on campus where all emergency communications and operations are coordinated. It will be located in a designated area, but during a small event (ex. single building fire) may be located near but safely apart from, the site of the emergency.

Security will be provided by the College Sheriff and will coordinate with Emergency Operations Center.

Initial First Aid may be provided by Zone or Building Marshals or any staff member, secondary treatment will be provided by emergency response teams from public agencies.

Initial rescue may be the responsibility of the campus community and the College Sheriff, but will generally be handled by public agencies

The Emergency Coordinator serves as the overall Coordinator during any major emergency or disaster. The following definitions of an emergency are provided as guidelines to assist building and area coordinators in determining the appropriate response:

MINOR EMERGENCY: Any incident, potential or actual, which will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the College. Report immediately to College Sheriff at x2911.

MAJOR EMERGENCY: Any incident, potential or actual, which will seriously affect the overall functional capacity of the College. Report immediately to College Sheriff at x2911.

There are several methods of alerting the building occupants of an emergency:

  • Fire Alarm
  • Telephone
  • Voice notification

Leave the building when the alarm sounds. Go to your designated assembly points.

Plant Facilities is designated for Critical Operations shutdown of gas and electric services as needed.

A map with the Emergency Assembly Points is located in the buildings or will be updated soon. Employees with disabilities may need extra assistance in exiting a hazardous area or being informed of areas to be avoided during emergencies. Building Marshals are to check rooms and other enclosed spaces in the workplace for other employees and convey this information to emergency personnel. At each Designated Meeting Site, each Building Marshals assembles his/her group, takes head count of his or her group, assumes role of department contact to answer questions. The Building Marshal will report the building area status to Emergency Coordinator or Incident Commander.

If you discover a fire, pull the fire alarm switch or notify the Sheriff at X2911. Help others evacuate the building if possible. Do not return to the building until emergency personnel have determined it safe to do so.

Instructors will review the Earthquake emergency procedures on the first meeting with every class of every class session. Duck and drop to the floor, seek shelter under a table or desk. Watch for falling debris. Exit the building when the shaking stops. Help those who are injured exit the building.

Notify the Maintenance and Operations department at x2301 of a non-hazardous chemical spill. Notify the Sheriff at X2911 in the event of a dangerous chemical spill. Clear the area and do not let anyone enter until the area is determined to be safe.

Take cover under desks or tables. Leave the area as soon as it is safe to do so. Help the injured when necessary. Do not return to the area of the crash until told it is safe to do so.

Notify the Sheriff immediately of a major utility failure. The Sheriff will notify the Maintenance and Operations department and call for emergency assistance if necessary.

Report all threats to the College Sheriff at X2911. Give the Sheriff pertinent info regarding the message and caller. Please use the checklist on the next page for reporting information on Bomb Threats.

Establish a buddy system and alternate for each class. People with disabilities should prepare for an emergency ahead of time by instructing a classmate, instructor, supervisor, or co-worker on how to assist in the event of any emergency. If assistance is not immediately available, disabled people should remain near the stairwell landing or in the elevator lobby. People, who cannot speak loudly, or with voice / speech impairments, should carry a whistle or have other means of attracting attention of others. DO NOT re-enter a building until permitted by emergency personnel. Do NOT use elevators unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel.

Annual practice drills are to be implemented and documented by the Emergency Coordinator. The Trainer will train you in the location of fire extinguisher, fire exits, and alarm systems in the area and know how to use them. As many personnel as possible should be trained in safe evacuation procedures.

Zone and Building Marshal’s are responsible for managing the evacuation of assigned areas and building(s) and ensuring that all information regarding the status of their assigned evacuation area's have been reported to the LAVC Emergency Coordinator.

Responsibilities of Zone Marshals

The Zone Marshals organize and maintain a level of training for the Building Marshals they are assigned to support working with the ERP coordinator to schedule training. The Zone Marshal is responsible for one zone area on campus and coordinates all emergency activities within that zone.

Responsibilities of Building Marshals

The Building Marshals are responsible for organizing and maintaining a level of training for the occupants of the building they are assigned to support. They will work with the Zone Marshal and ERP coordinator to schedule training regularly so that all personnel who occupy a building will be aware of their response needs.